Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Changes ahead...

Well, news updates from New England include a few things such as:
Hurricane Arthur, the first of the 2014 Tropical storms, decided to roar (literally) up the Atlantic coastline while visiting North Carolina, New Jersey, southeastern Massachusetts (just ask New Bedford their thoughts on this event), Cape Cod, and northward.  Our family was in Wellfleet, our favorite town on the Cape, for this event. The biggest challenge for us was walking Patch and Joy in the rain, which is something that we don't usually do (thanks to a fenced-in dog run).  Like good Connecticut people, we were prepared with bread and milk, candles, flashlights, extra water and games to keep us busy. Lots of rain...wind...thunder...SAND (our cottage is near the beach) and, in 24 hours, it was over. God was good, and I was able to tick off another item from my "bucket list," namely to experience a hurricane on the Cape.

Additional news from New England is that there
are a few changes that our students will find when they return to the Academy to start the 2014-15 year. The most important one is that there will be a new, but familiar face, in the Principal's Office this year.
Mother Mary David, an alumna of the Academy, is now serving as Principal of our beloved school.  As Mother Marie Julie stated in her letter, Mother David brings a great deal of experience with her.  Perhaps most importantly, she has such a strong commitment to the Academy and what it stands for.  Mother understands its traditions as well as the importance of looking ahead to keep AHF on the cutting edge of education.  The Academy community is so blessed to have Mother David's hand guiding them.

As for me (and Joy), I will take so many wonderful memories of this past year with me.  For those, and much more, I am very grateful.  When we got home from vacation, Joy and I got back to school, but now I'm sitting in a student desk and Joy is right next to me.  I will help out AHF where I can, but I'm back in research mode while Joy works on her own type of doctoral work.  

I remain convinced that the Academy of the Holy Family is a precious resource for young women around the world and I hope that you will continue to help spread the good news about what AHF has to offer.  I will miss my girls very much, and will keep them and their families in my prayers.  I hope that you will do the same for Joy and me.  
Pax et bonum (peace and all good),
Mrs. T

Monday, April 28, 2014

Spring...for real!

After what appeared to be the longest winter season in the memory of most of our faculty, it looks like spring 2014 has finally arrived!  It has brought along with it the excitement of the Marists' Softball season (thus far, undefeated...thank you, St. Sebastian!), preparation for Advanced Placement exams, Prom, and the end of this school year.

We're also very excited about the unveiling of our newly updated website!  Our web address is still www.ahfbaltic.org, but parents, students and staff can access the site directly from their Edline page.

Along with the new, streamlined site, visitors will be treated to the AHF calendar, important links, and a full Staff Directory.  Our hope is that all of the information that you consider to be important will be easily accessible.  This includes a button leading directly to our online application site.

We hope that you'll take time to visit the site, surf through it, and let us know how you like it.  In the meantime, take time to enjoy the Easter Season (it is still Easter, after all),  and look for more information on how AHF is growing.

Have a blessed day!


Mrs. T

Thursday, February 20, 2014

2014 is no longer new but is plenty white!

My apologies for having been so "quiet" (not typical of me) for so long.  By now, I should have wished you a Happy New Year, asked how your celebration of Los Reyes Magos was, told you how excited we were about our Catholic Schools Week observance, talked about that groundhog and the ridiculous amount of snow we've had here in Connecticut, not to mention marveled at the fact that February is almost over.  My goodness!  All of that has come and gone...and more!  

  • Our Marist Basketball Team has made it to the States, so we know that we'll have more games left to attend and cheer at.  March Madness is alive and well at AHF!
  • We have begun our first semester of Virtual High School Collaborative This has been a great opportunity for so many of our students to really step out of their comfort zones and participate in courses that are putting them in contact with other high schoolers from around the country and, in fact, around the globe.  
Finally, you've noticed that when you log onto your Edline account, you're greeted with a website that is being built.  If you were to log onto www.ahfbaltic.org, you'd still find the old one.  That is still live.  When the one that is being hosted by Edline is complete and fully loaded, we will be able to switch the two seamlessly.  The URL will be the same.  All of our email addresses will be the same.  It is a work in progress.  This blog post will be available with other links on the new website.

Well, we have three and a half more days left to this February vacation.  Enjoy what is left of it.  If your daughter is traveling back, may she be blessed with safe travel.  

Have a blessed day!
Mrs. T